Not only was visiting Charlotte a great trip because we got to visit J&A, we also got to see friends who have moved down there, and we were able to explore a new city! Cross that one off the list. Charlotte, NC was our official "long weekend in a new city" for 2012. Still not sure what city we'll choose to visit in 2013 but there's plenty of time for that!
Back to our trip. Thank you JetBlue for not only providing me with 2 hours of HGTV and Bravo (anyone else love how they put those 2 channels next to each other on the dish network used? love it), but for having direct flights from Boston to Charlotte.
We got in to Charlotte around 5 pm Friday with plans to eat dinner at Jackie & Adrian's new place. I was really hoping we'd eat in Friday. I knew there would be lots of conversation and did not want to feel rushed at a restaurant. A great friend of mine actually moved to Charlotte this past summer with her boyfriend and they have hit it off with Jackie & Adrian. I love that they all get together now. And it was so great to catch up with the ladies. Guys too, but they eventually ditched us for the fire pit J&A now have. I realized I forgot the backyard photos in yesterday's post....sorry! How cool is this fire contraption? I have no idea what it's called...Jackie? Adrian?
And here's a view of their backyard. And their pretty girl, Lola! Lola loves her new backyard! She would just lounge in the sun all day. I was pretty jealous of her for Tucker. I can't wait to see him hanging out in a backyard whenever he wants. With time, with time.
After seeing all the awesome furniture they had found at
Mid Century Salvage, J was intrigued and wanted to see what it was all about. Not that we'd be able to ship anything to Boston, but it was neat to see their work. We really liked this chair they had just finished cleaning up. I would have gone with white leather though...And I loved the idea of a magazine holder/end table. This one would need a little bit of tweaking but either way, it got me thinking. I really hate how easily magazines stack up around here. Something like this would be perfect.
And my one request of places to visit?
World Market. Ya, Adrian thought I had clearly lost my mind with this request ha. But with none in NE, I've always been curious what crazy stuff this store has. It was certainly interesting! I could have spent a few hours in there roaming around for sure. Where did I find J? In the food section of course. He asked me to document all of the wiener choices for you. I know you were wondering...
Funny story behind these napkins. I took this photo because these are hilarious and reminded me of someone special. Someone who'd appreciate the humor. Later that day that certain someone messaged me about J&I's plans for FL in the Spring. In my attempts to get her to come I told her that the two of us would hang at the beach while my mom would be out exercising. Her response, "what makes you think I don't want to exercise on vacation?" To which I responded, this is why. I really do have the best mother-in-law I could ask for. And she's coming! Yes, J&I will be vacationing with both sets of parents in FL this Spring and I can't wait. Is that weird? Ha. I'm sure J's thrilled too.
Ok, enough shopping/driving around Charlotte. It was time to head downtown.
I really don't know how this happened, but within 5 minutes of being downtown, we were at a bar. Ri Ra's for anyone familiar with Charlotte.
And then that somehow turned into a small bar crawl. Next stop, World of Beer. Why get one beer when you can taste 4? I tasted 3 brown ales and one white ale. All really good.
Our last stop was for BBQ near J&A's home. It was so good. No lie. There is something to be said about Southern BBQ. We split a combo plate so that we could try a little bit of everything. And we cleaned the plate. I wonder if they can ship to Boston?
Walking home from dinner we enjoyed the Christmas lights at J&A's neighbors. These lights are complete with a Christmas countdown board and music. The music turns off at some point, but not the lights. Yes, we ran onto their lawn to snap this shot quickly. You would too...
And by neighbor, I mean right next door....J&A's beautiful home on the right, the Hunter Snowman complete with rifle on the left....J & I had a nightlight both nights thanks to these kind neighbors.
Our last day in Charlotte we headed out for a walk since the weather was gorgeous. The fall/winter weather in Charlotte was hard to compete with. We absolutely loved it. But I must remind myself that the humidity April-August is not so nice to me and my curls...
One last lunch with the whole gang. It was so great to see you & Brandon, Cor!
And saying goodbye to my sister. We had such a great weekend in Charlotte. Thank you J&A for being the best hosts!! I can't wait for our next trip down.