My 30th birthday is 954 days from today (today = August, 16, 2013 / 30th = March 28, 2016). Just over 2.5 years away. And while I'd like to do many of the following 101 items by my 30th birthday, the real end date is: May 13, 2016.
So here goes, here is my
101 in 1001
Health & Fitness
- Run a 5k
- Run a 10k
- Run another half-marathon
- Try cross-fit
- Take power yoga monthly for at least 6 months
- Try pilates
- Enjoy green smoothies daily for an entire month
- Join a gym
- Make pasta from scratch
- Make [french] macaroons
- Make mom’s tiramisu recipe
- Maka J’s nana’s apple pie from scratch
- Help make homemade raviolis for the holidays
- Try 5 new foods
- Try pho (this gets its own because I can't believe I still haven't had it)
- Cook dinner every night for an entire month
- Make homemade ice cream
- Make a carrot cake
- [Try to] enjoy a glass of bourbon on the rocks
- Start up a Sunday dinner tradition with family
- Host a holiday
- Host a lobster boil
- Host a wine tasting event
- Brew beer
- Throw a surprise party for someone
- Host a housewarming/open house party
- Host an annual cookout (4th of July perhaps?)
House & Home
- Stencil a room or piece of furniture
- Wallpaper a room
- Build a new desk for our office (help J do it...)
- Sew curtains & pillow covers
- Paint all of the rooms in our house (they all need to be...)
- Install hardwood floors in the family room (help J do it...)
- Build a master bathroom (or hire someone else to do it)
- Build a master closet space
- Renovate the guest bathroom
- Upgrade the back deck
- Fix the pool area - jets, concrete, pavers
- Paint the kitchen cabinets
- Plant a vegetable garden
- Plant flowers
- And keep said flowers alive for more than one season
- Print photos and actually get some frames on the walls/shelves
- Refinish an old piece of furniture
- Reupholster a piece of furniture
- IKEA hack something (if you don’t know, now you know)
- Clean out my closet, pare down to the staple pieces
- Clean up the laundry area of the basement, make it pretty
- Buy a car
- Pay off (some) student loans
- Increase my 401k payments
- Purchase a DSLR camera
- Invest in a tablet - IPad, Samsung...
- Invest in a great, classic handbag
- And maybe a great pair of shoes...
- Travel to a state I haven’t visited yet
- Travel to Washington DC
- Plan a girls trip
- Plan a trip with my mom and sister
- Travel to Europe
- Visit a National Park with J
- Take a road trip with J and Tuck
- Travel to Hawaii
- Re-read the entire Harry Potter series
- Read something nonfiction
- Re-watch Titanic
- Read/watch something that’s never really interested me - Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones
- Get a library card, and use it
- Go to the ballet
- Go to the theatre
- Go sailing/boating
- Go camping
- Go hiking
- Get our Morocco trip photos into an album
- Get our honeymoon photos into an album
- Go to a jazz bar
- Attend a music festival
- Go to a Patriots game (can’t believe I still haven’t been)
- Plan a staycation
- Clean out my makeup bag
- Find, and wear, the perfect red lipstick
- Monogram something
- Get a great pair of pajamas
- Learn to make the perfect flower arrangements by vase shape/size
- Find the perfect gift for someone
- Send out greeting cards, just because
Personal [Improvement]
- Go to a blogging conference
- Learn more html coding
- Organize my computer folders/pictures/documents
- Take a photography class
- Take a cooking class
- Attend a speaking event
- Get involved in the community
- Renew my CPA license when needed
- Get a promotion at work
- Find a new church, and go more often than holidays
- Find a hobby that helps decrease stress (and gray hairs)
- Book a spa day
- Learn something new
- Be more patient
- Have a baby
102....And one extra just because....inspire someone else to write their own 101 in 1001.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Linking up with H54F, Friday Favorites
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